기본 정보
Art and influencing have more things in common than you might think.
Some things are suddenly very hot and other things are very not.
The Influencer is up to speed with what is hot and although they are very much out of his price bracket (he makes do with vintage exhibition posters instead),
he has a knack of making it look as if he is shopping around.
You will see him at the Whitney asking his boyfriend to take a few not-so-candid snaps of him posturing next to the debut work of a young artist while announcing,
“I’ll take it,” loud enough for everyone to hear. Although he doesn’t know much about art, and certainly nothing about the classics,
he can sniff out something cool at a hundred paces and put it on Instagram before you can say selfie.
The secret to his success is his left-of-mainstream taste and his fan base, which is big enough to ensure that whatever he posts will catch on as a trend.
It’s all smoke and mirrors, sadly, but who cares when you’re getting 2,850 likes per post?

Client ——————STEAMBASE
Project Date ——— 2022.01.10