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The Art Of Craft
There is a breath out there for every single aspect or emotion that you want to release or any that you want to invite in.’
‘Breathwork is breathing on a more profound level.
It is a powerful medicine, and it's almost as if we were given this medicine, not as a function to just keep us alive, but as a function to heal us, inspire us and to bring us back into our body.
It’s been with us the whole time – it is literally the inhale and the exhale that we do every moment of every day.
The way to incorporate breathwork into everyday life is to create a conscious connection – if I sit here and I think about my inhale and my exhale,
I’m already consciously aware; I’ve brought myself into my body.
I’m working from an internal place, I’m managing my mind and I’m slowing my thoughts, just by feeling the essence of my inhale and exhale.
So, if something feels overwhelming, the one tool you can come back to is the breath – the inhale lifts and energises,
and the exhale calms, grounds and soothes.